Friday 27 November 2015


I.       Evaluating Instructional Content
1.       What are the goals and objectives of courseware?
·      Are they clearly stated in somewhere?
·      How will does the courseware meet them?
·      Do they fit into your curriculum?
2.       Is it good instruction?
·       Is the content will matched to the learner’s ability level?
·       Is it accurate?
·       Is it significant?
·       Does the lesson have clear and adequate directions?
·       If offline support materials are needed, are they present and significant?
·       If necessary, is there a teacher’s manual/handbook?

II.    Evaluating Programming characteristics
1.         Check basic screen displays
·       Are text and information clearly displayed?
·       Is everything easy to read? Are they in simple and understandable language?
·       Are on screen direction for using the program clear?
·       Is the program clear and logical in the way it presents information?
·       Is it easy to visualise where you are in the lesson at ant given point?
2.         Check graphics and other special features
·       Are graphs self explanatory?
·       Do they contribute meaningfully to instruction?
·       Are they animated? If so does that contribute to instruction? Does it take up too much time?
·       Is the graphic effect attractive and interesting till the end of the lesson?
·       Repeat the above for sound colour and any other effects?
3.         Check user friendliness
·       When you run the courseware, does it execute all the way through without errors?
·       Try to break it. Can u do it?
·       Does it require coded input of any kind?
·       Can a student get stuck?
What happens if u enters wrong answer several times in a row?

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